Our Customers
We are a design-only company. We partner with all aspects of the construction channel supply chain and act as trusted advisors. All our ground source heat pump system designs are covered by our £10,000,000 professional indemnity insurance. We help our clients reduce risk and save money.
Just a few of the companies we are proud to call our customers
End Users and Developers
If you are an end user or developer we can advise you on pre-feasibility, feasibility studies and project design for your ground source heating and cooling system. With over 20 years working in this field we can ensure your project gets off to a flying start. Expert geological analysis, tender design, risk profiles and contractor selection.
Main Consultants
We work with Aecom, Hoare Lee and Cudd Bentley to name but a few. We are their trusted advisors and follow RIBA stages from conception through to practical completion and witnessing of commissioning. We provide CPD “lunch and learn” training programs via Teams and have presented to thousands of the world’s top building design professionals.
Main Contractors
As a main contractor your goal is to ensure that each specialist contractor you work with is completely capable of delivering the best solution for your clients at the most competitive price. We work with main contractors to advise them often saving them tens and hundreds of thousands of pounds in unwanted drilling costs or unnecessary project elements.
Reseller Installers / Specialist Contractors
Many reseller installers use Genius Energy Lab as their professional design house for their ground source heat pump systems. We offer direct customer liaison on their behalf to add professionalism and increased credibility to those companies. This has the benefit of de-risking the projects, cost savings on drilling and drawing upon 20 plus years of project experience ensuring best fit solutions for the project. We also offer independent impartial advice on auxiliary contractors such as drillers and heat pump manufacturers as well as pipe sizing to ensure the most efficient hydraulic profiles and much more.
We have relationships with the leading drillers in the UK and can recommend the best drillers for your project based on application and location.
Energy Services Companies (ESCO)
We work closely with Energy Services Companies to ensure that any system they adopt is designed correctly and will perform as expected. This significantly reduces their risk and maximises profitability from any investment.